Saturday, May 2, 2009

I Am Not Spamming ARS

I will say this again;

I only post as on ARS

not even on my

Check before you complain to me who is really sending all that stuff; it ain't me. I don't post much on ARS anyways. The only reason I have been back is just to make clear I have an impostor. People got the hint so that dipshit got a new e-mail and is impersonating me clearing up him impersonating me. 

So yea; I'm done clearing up anything. If you are stupid enough to believe that is me; get off the internet.

-------------------- EDIT -------------------------
From now on i'm using my e-mail as it's impossible for trolls to even obtain an account. I'm not even going to post on ars about it; I'm sure everyone is watching this blog right now anyways. 

 ------------------------- ALSO -------------------------

If "my" post isn't in here or here I didn't post it. 


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

The troll even posted as you over at Above Top Secret.


And here.

He used the nic RevJimJesus (and had a signiture saying that "I like childporn and pedobear" and something else that was pretty racist.

Jim Jesus said...

Thank you, has been noted.

Also the above comment that was deleted was a threat coming from "Anonymous" that for some strange reason shares the same IP as the "Tom Newton" that runs the anonymous-is-a-hategroup

Couencidence? I think not.