..what I think about the comment Prokofy Neva said. I don't. I started reading it, but it went right back into her paranoid delusions that I used alts to greif her, that I killed her chickens blah blah blah.
I really don't care what a 54 year old fat typical self-important New Yorker who, on top of that, suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and thinks things that happen in a video game as "terrorism." Prok, play your stupid video games, I don't give a shit about you and never really have. I'm going to use a list system built into all blogs which you have yet to figure out and still use 'o's like a middle school thesis on why prom will be awesome this year.
I really don't care what a 54 year old fat typical self-important New Yorker who, on top of that, suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and thinks things that happen in a video game as "terrorism." Prok, play your stupid video games, I don't give a shit about you and never really have. I'm going to use a list system built into all blogs which you have yet to figure out and still use 'o's like a middle school thesis on why prom will be awesome this year.
- I never crashed your sims or "greifed" you at your meetings (unless you say my presence alone is greifing which is to then re-write a words deffinition like a cult leader. ) I have never organized, planned, executed via me or by proxy: sim crashing, chicken killings*, text/sound spamming, prim litter, or client crashes to you or anyone renting land from you ever in my life. She continues to make this baseless claim with evidence a that even conspiracy theorist nutjob would shrug off as being inconclusive. Ohh I was a security expert that heard the PN was going to crash your sim so I show up to attempt to stop it.... or was I really planning with a group who tried to find humiliating things about me the whole time BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Retard.
- I never made a mock Twitter account of anyone, in fact in California this might be a violation of state law. Also making Twitter Bots is beyond me. Never tried, never even looked into how to go about it.
- I am not Jim Korpov. I can't prove a negative. Her asking for proof of a negative just shows how retarded or dishonest she is. She needs to prove the positive claim. If she denies this then she can try to give me proof that Bigfoot and Unicorns do not exist. Also Jim Korpov lives in Kansas still, I moved to California. Anyone who know us knows we're different. We have talked to each other over voice numerous times in front of countless people. Also think I'm him, I could give a rat's ass about your delusions.
- Calling someone a cunt on your own restricted sim is not a Community Standards issue. Period. As much as she wants to pretend it is.
- I never said she was the 50 year old lady in question was you. LL verified over the phone with me that this couldn't of been why.
- I already explained why Charity was banned, if she wants to continue under the delusion of it was banned for greifing her, she's free to do so. I just ask why she hasn't been taking those pills the doctors across the street at the mental health clinic asked her to.
*Which by her own Keynesian economic opinions should be a good thing. Breaking stuff = prosperity.
This is the last time I interact with this cunt. I'm not in SL, nor do I care about your drama anymore. If your sims crash and chickens die, then good. You feed and bait trolls and greifers and then they greif and troll you, I WONDER WHY? Don't paint a big red target on your ass and complain someone shot an arrow at it. Then don't say the person who saw you get arrowed was in on the conspiracy.
This time there is a conspiracy, right here right now. If there are people who are interested in trolling a chemically imbalanced 50 year old fat cunt lunatic, all the information you need to do it is right here. If you do, tell her you did it because I said so. If you wanna know how to crash sims, I can't help you. After I stopped working security, I stopped caring how sim crashing was possible to figure out how to stop it. I'm sure you can Google or ask someone.
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