I remember when Obama promised us he wouldn't rush into a war like Bush did. I remember when Obama said the first thing he'd do as president was close Gitmo. I remember when Obama he would reduce/eliminate deficit spending and balance the budget. I remember Obama promising to stop the DEA raids of medical marijuana dispensaries. I remember Obama saying he was change I could believe in.
Lesson learned: Democrats and Republicans promise the world and NEVER deliver. Stop voting for them. Bush was an incoherent serpent while Obama is a serpent with a soothing golden tongue that lulls the masses to sleep. The Republican who wins the nomination will be no better and no worse than Obama.
If you must play into the violent charade of freedom called 'voting,' whatever you do, don't vote for Obama, Palin, McCain, Bachmann, Barbour, Bolton, Cain, Daniels, Gengritch, Giuliani, Huckabee, Huntsmen, Jindal, Moore, Pataki, Pawlenty, Reily, Roemer, Romney, or Scarboroh. They all have identical track records; Promise something, and do the opposite when elected.
Lesson learned: Democrats and Republicans promise the world and NEVER deliver. Stop voting for them. Bush was an incoherent serpent while Obama is a serpent with a soothing golden tongue that lulls the masses to sleep. The Republican who wins the nomination will be no better and no worse than Obama.
If you must play into the violent charade of freedom called 'voting,' whatever you do, don't vote for Obama, Palin, McCain, Bachmann, Barbour, Bolton, Cain, Daniels, Gengritch, Giuliani, Huckabee, Huntsmen, Jindal, Moore, Pataki, Pawlenty, Reily, Roemer, Romney, or Scarboroh. They all have identical track records; Promise something, and do the opposite when elected.
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