I'm probably wasting my time here, but apparently someone who contacted me a while ago is making a 'serious' bid for congress. I don't know if his bid has any traction, even within his own third party groups. Green Party candidate for Congress in 2014 in South Carolina's 1st district Larry Carter Center and I had an exchange before he ran for congress and he was talking about how 9/11 conspiracies and that corporations killed JFK were "undeniable." I never thought much of it until I saw his congressional bid Facebook page and I thought it should be public knowledge before the Greens decide to actually run this guy.
The last type a person we need to hold public office is a Truther. While I doubt they'll be able to have anyone arrested whom they think committed the 9/11 attacks, they would probably waste public funds and resources investigating something that is already the most investigated crime to date.
If they did an investigation, it wouldn't prove any of the twoofer claims to be true.... so they would want yet another one.
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