For those who haven't been following the latest Minituth announcements over at FreeThoughtBlogs. Apparently it's perfectly OK to take things out of context, re-word and even totally fabricate your opponent's words to show how evil they are. Why be honest and face your criticism when you can just call them a stupid racist misogynistic libertarian and lie to prove it and call it a day? Of course the lie is pretty clear to anyone who even bothers to look up the discussion which is freely available.
However one of the commenters, Rodney Nelson, struck me as especially retarded. I use the word retarded because I know it will enrage the uber-PB speech Nazis over at FreeThoughtBlogs. It makes them so angry I will repeat this word many times over the course of this blog. I hope I do offend you because you do not deserve to feel comfortable because you guys are lying authoritarian shitbags because not a one of you denounced this lie. Oh, I should of put a trigger warning before this shouldn't I? Oh well
TRIGGER WARNING: I used the word retard and that might trigger some people with a perpetual victimhood complex to be emo-fucktards. More use of the word 'retard' to come.
So on with the retarded comments:
This is coming from a group who says any atheist who disagrees with them should start an "Atheist Assholes" group and says they're all a bunch of privileged sexist jerks. Fuck you. It's not libertarians who are guilty of this, it's virtually every political group. It's not the ideology, it's the few pretentious assholes who are in it. Atheism+ just happens to be a purely pretentious group.
Now on with his retarded masterpiece.
Let's dig in!
1. The Libertarian Party is not representative of Libertarians in the Libertarian Party as a whole like the Democratic Party Platform isn't representative of the Democratic Party as a whole. On top of that; not every libertarian (in fact most libertarians I would argue) is a member or supportive of the Libertarian Party just like not every liberal is a Democrat. It's a stupid position to hold and it shows how stupid you are about, not just politics, but party politics in general. You are a retard.
2. He asks what "sole dominion" means then asks if it means "No one tells me what to do" then attacks that assumption. It is not. Libertarians don't mind being told what to do, so long as it's in a voluntary agreement. A boss tells me what to do because I agreed to join his labor force and be told what to do for pay. Same with the Army; you signed a contract saying the Army can regulate your behavior. And, no you fucking idiot, a sales associate doesn't tell you what to do. You're a fucking retard for thinking you don't have a choice in a voluntary sale. Retard, retard, retard.
3. Sole dominion means what it obviously means. Since you are retarded I will spell it out for you: You own yourself and you should do with yourself as you please provided it does not interfere with others or their property without their consent. I can swing my arms any way I want but that right stops at your nose no matter how much I want to yank out your retarded hipster nose ring.
4. Freedom is always a good thing. Always, including the freedom to starve. I would rather starve then to have some self important bureaucratic asshole or politician shove food down my throat. Also I don't see libertarians run around demanding the freedom to starve, they do demand the freedom to eat what they want which you probably want banned because "It's so bad for you!" Who gives a fuck?
5. " Physical security, which even prisoners can have, is good. The love of a family is good, yet families are one of the least free groupings we know. The emotional ties of families, imposed upon us by other family members, cannot be discarded with ease." Are you done with the irrelevant tangents, retard? This has to do with "freedom" how exactly? Retard.
6. "I’ve seen libertarians explain this away by claiming that choices or the freedom to choose are what make something good" This is retarded. The freedom to choose is always good, but no one says that all the choices you make will be good. Only a retard like you would think something this stupid. I will fight for your right to choose to put that fork in the toaster, and in your case I would encourage you to do it, but that doesn't mean it's a good choice.
7. It never assumed that ALL choices made will be optimal if we all have freedom to choose. We fully accept that you are too stupid to make optimal choices, the thing is you get to make those choices for yourself, only you will suffer the consequences and possibly learn from them. I doubt you will learn seeing that you're retarded, but at least you won't make bad choices for all of society which is what you advocate. I'll make my own poor decisions for me, I don't need your help. Also, you're retarded.
8. Actually, you can call yourself a doctor without any training. However, no one will rust a retard like you without creditably, Dr. Shithead phD in douchery.
9. "Quite often the price of greater freedom tomorrow is less freedom today." Please stick a fork in the toaster. Please, so we don't have to hear anymore of this retarded doublespeak. "Herpaderpderp we need less freedom so we can have more freedom but absolute freedom is less freedom. Freedom is slavery!" If mental gymnastics were an Olympic sport, we'd need to invent a platinum medal just for you, retard.
10. "For instance, libertarianism would have to allow one to sell oneself into slavery." This is probably one of the most sensible things he's said so far, but that's really sad. There's been some debate in libertarian circles about the specifics but there's one thing we can all agree on; if you are volunteering to be a slave, you can't be a slave. Slavery, by definition is conscription which is involuntary. You signed up for the military which is just what you're saying people could do under libertarianism so no, even in your world this is possible and agreeable to you. You fucking idiot.
11. "Most people don’t actually want absolute freedom, which is why democracies don’t elect libertarian governments." Argument ad-populum. Most people are religious, so much for atheism right? God, you're a retard.
12. "(It has been possible in certain societies to do that by assuming unrepayable debt.) " Yea, like how government are run in most non-libertarian countries. Derp.
13. This is the most important point of all. Let's say you're absolutely right. Libertarianism is stupid and intellectually as bankrupt as say... you. This doesn't mean it's OK to lie about what one of them says to get the upper hand in a debate. But this is my favorite quote of all:
"Goddamnit, I really hate black people and jews more than I do libertarians" - Rodney Nelson
I know it's a fake quote, but you're stupid moonbat so it's OK for me to do. Fucking - retard - asshole.
However one of the commenters, Rodney Nelson, struck me as especially retarded. I use the word retarded because I know it will enrage the uber-PB speech Nazis over at FreeThoughtBlogs. It makes them so angry I will repeat this word many times over the course of this blog. I hope I do offend you because you do not deserve to feel comfortable because you guys are lying authoritarian shitbags because not a one of you denounced this lie. Oh, I should of put a trigger warning before this shouldn't I? Oh well
TRIGGER WARNING: I used the word retard and that might trigger some people with a perpetual victimhood complex to be emo-fucktards. More use of the word 'retard' to come.
So on with the retarded comments:
You can always tell who the libertarians are. They’re the center of the universe, can never do anything wrong, and everyone else should just admire them for their sheer awesomeness.
This is coming from a group who says any atheist who disagrees with them should start an "Atheist Assholes" group and says they're all a bunch of privileged sexist jerks. Fuck you. It's not libertarians who are guilty of this, it's virtually every political group. It's not the ideology, it's the few pretentious assholes who are in it. Atheism+ just happens to be a purely pretentious group.
Now on with his retarded masterpiece.
Let’s take a look at the preamble to the Libertarian Party platform which was given as “proof” that libertarians aren’t selfish assholes:
What does “sole dominion” mean? Is it “you can’t tell me what to do”? All kinds of people tell us what to do, starting with our parents, teachers, baby sitters, and elder siblings. I spent two years in the Army where people were telling me what to do. My bosses at work tell me what to do. My doctor tells me what to do. When I buy a pair of shoes the sales associate tells me what to do.
- We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose.
Freedom isn’t always a good thing. The freedom to starve is not good when you’re the one starving. But even if we accept that freedom is generally good, it’s not the only good thing. Physical security, which even prisoners can have, is good. The love of a family is good, yet families are one of the least free groupings we know. The emotional ties of families, imposed upon us by other family members, cannot be discarded with ease.
I’ve seen libertarians explain this away by claiming that choices or the freedom to choose are what make something good. I know in my life I’ve made choices that were not good. Also as I said above, often choices are made for me. Why is my bosses’ choices good for them but not good for me?
The reduction of everything to choices presupposes all choices made will be optimal. If one is making a choice without complete knowledge of the possibilities, then the likelihood of making the best choice erodes. It is impossible for anyone to be knowledgeable about everything required to make life’s everyday choices.
Plus individuals must abide by choices made for the good of society. I cannot set myself up as a physician without passing a medical exam to show I’m minimally competent. Many other professions have similar qualifications to keep the incompetent from preying on the rest of us. Yet only the truly hardcore libertarians object to proficiency examinations, the rest of us want professionals to be qualified to do their jobs.
Quite often the price of greater freedom tomorrow is less freedom today. Total freedom today would just run down accumulated social capital and ignoring future problems. So the choice for freedom is the necessarily the right one on any particular question.
Furthermore, if limiting freedom today may enhance it tomorrow, then limiting freedom tomorrow may enhance it the day after and so on, so the right amount of freedom may in fact be limited freedom in perpetuity. But if limited freedom is the right choice, then libertarianism, which makes freedom an absolute, is wrong.
Libertarianism’s absolutist view of freedom leads to ludicrous outcomes. For instance, libertarianism would have to allow one to sell oneself into slavery. (It has been possible in certain societies to do that by assuming unrepayable debt.)
Most people don’t actually want absolute freedom, which is why democracies don’t elect libertarian governments. Thus people don’t choose absolute freedom. This refutes libertarianism by its own premise, as it defines the good as the freely chosen, yet people do not choose it. So people exercise their freedom not to be libertarians.
Let's dig in!
1. The Libertarian Party is not representative of Libertarians in the Libertarian Party as a whole like the Democratic Party Platform isn't representative of the Democratic Party as a whole. On top of that; not every libertarian (in fact most libertarians I would argue) is a member or supportive of the Libertarian Party just like not every liberal is a Democrat. It's a stupid position to hold and it shows how stupid you are about, not just politics, but party politics in general. You are a retard.
2. He asks what "sole dominion" means then asks if it means "No one tells me what to do" then attacks that assumption. It is not. Libertarians don't mind being told what to do, so long as it's in a voluntary agreement. A boss tells me what to do because I agreed to join his labor force and be told what to do for pay. Same with the Army; you signed a contract saying the Army can regulate your behavior. And, no you fucking idiot, a sales associate doesn't tell you what to do. You're a fucking retard for thinking you don't have a choice in a voluntary sale. Retard, retard, retard.
3. Sole dominion means what it obviously means. Since you are retarded I will spell it out for you: You own yourself and you should do with yourself as you please provided it does not interfere with others or their property without their consent. I can swing my arms any way I want but that right stops at your nose no matter how much I want to yank out your retarded hipster nose ring.
4. Freedom is always a good thing. Always, including the freedom to starve. I would rather starve then to have some self important bureaucratic asshole or politician shove food down my throat. Also I don't see libertarians run around demanding the freedom to starve, they do demand the freedom to eat what they want which you probably want banned because "It's so bad for you!" Who gives a fuck?
5. " Physical security, which even prisoners can have, is good. The love of a family is good, yet families are one of the least free groupings we know. The emotional ties of families, imposed upon us by other family members, cannot be discarded with ease." Are you done with the irrelevant tangents, retard? This has to do with "freedom" how exactly? Retard.
6. "I’ve seen libertarians explain this away by claiming that choices or the freedom to choose are what make something good" This is retarded. The freedom to choose is always good, but no one says that all the choices you make will be good. Only a retard like you would think something this stupid. I will fight for your right to choose to put that fork in the toaster, and in your case I would encourage you to do it, but that doesn't mean it's a good choice.
7. It never assumed that ALL choices made will be optimal if we all have freedom to choose. We fully accept that you are too stupid to make optimal choices, the thing is you get to make those choices for yourself, only you will suffer the consequences and possibly learn from them. I doubt you will learn seeing that you're retarded, but at least you won't make bad choices for all of society which is what you advocate. I'll make my own poor decisions for me, I don't need your help. Also, you're retarded.
8. Actually, you can call yourself a doctor without any training. However, no one will rust a retard like you without creditably, Dr. Shithead phD in douchery.
9. "Quite often the price of greater freedom tomorrow is less freedom today." Please stick a fork in the toaster. Please, so we don't have to hear anymore of this retarded doublespeak. "Herpaderpderp we need less freedom so we can have more freedom but absolute freedom is less freedom. Freedom is slavery!" If mental gymnastics were an Olympic sport, we'd need to invent a platinum medal just for you, retard.
10. "For instance, libertarianism would have to allow one to sell oneself into slavery." This is probably one of the most sensible things he's said so far, but that's really sad. There's been some debate in libertarian circles about the specifics but there's one thing we can all agree on; if you are volunteering to be a slave, you can't be a slave. Slavery, by definition is conscription which is involuntary. You signed up for the military which is just what you're saying people could do under libertarianism so no, even in your world this is possible and agreeable to you. You fucking idiot.
11. "Most people don’t actually want absolute freedom, which is why democracies don’t elect libertarian governments." Argument ad-populum. Most people are religious, so much for atheism right? God, you're a retard.
12. "(It has been possible in certain societies to do that by assuming unrepayable debt.) " Yea, like how government are run in most non-libertarian countries. Derp.
13. This is the most important point of all. Let's say you're absolutely right. Libertarianism is stupid and intellectually as bankrupt as say... you. This doesn't mean it's OK to lie about what one of them says to get the upper hand in a debate. But this is my favorite quote of all:
"Goddamnit, I really hate black people and jews more than I do libertarians" - Rodney Nelson
I know it's a fake quote, but you're stupid moonbat so it's OK for me to do. Fucking - retard - asshole.
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