Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Things are nuts...

So last night my grandmother passed away in her sleep last night. She was on hospice for good year before she became bed bound a couple of months ago. Last month she suffered a stroke and it  was downhill from there with some up days. So things have been a little hectic lately and even more so today and as the week comes to a close. I want to thank everyone who offered their condolences via Facebook and Twitter.

So I'm getting ready for her wake this weekend and after that I have to study, take my state boards and then drive out to my new hometown Las Vegas, Nevada. When I get to Nevada I'll be basically have a cell phone as my primary internet source. Even still I will be spending a lot of time finding work which will be a week or two. (Finding a job in the health care industry is a cakewalk) However, I still will try to manage to blog more than I do now after the move even with these hurdles. My last trip to Vegas had so many ideas racing though my head for articles and videos I wanted to make and since I will be living there it will be living in inspiration.

One piece I've been working on for sometime comparing public and private sidewalks and walkways will be competed when I get out there. So keep an eye out here for that!

On a side note, I made myself a private Facebook for personal things I don't want to share publicly and decided to make my old Facebook public. So if you wanted to add me, go ahead. If you added me and you were one of the internet friends I purged due to privacy concerns, go ahead and re-add me. Also, I'll be posting videos of my trek there and on Twitter and my secondary YouTube Channel.

Thanks again guys. See you all soon. 


Chokemychicken said...

Well, that's good news, but too bad there's not really a hell since granny definitely should burn in it for all eternity while getting skull fucked by Satan's bifercated cock.

Jim Jesus said...

Cool sory, bro. Tell her I said "Hi!"