"The LA event was featured over on Hollywood Blvd by the Hollywood Walkway. We had a turn out of over 3,500, it was packed, same thing with the European and the other events during that time."
Fast forward today I was talking with some other Zeitard and he butted in by making me this video. Made my morning. Now it's 600. He is either full of shit, OR he couldn't tell the difference between 600 and 3,500 people unless his leader directly tells him. The video shows about 70-80 but he refuses to give up on this lie and shows video evidence of his bullshit. Remember, there were 14 artists and bands and limited green room space so some of the artists were probably walking around in that crowd. We wanted more evidence regarding how many people attended the event and voiceofreason467 delivered the goods. We now know attendance was around roughly 80 people.
This is the level of intelligence you can expect from a lot of The Zeitgeist Movement. If you want to have more laughs, see the YouTube video's comment section. I backed up the ones that were there as of this positing just in case he comes to his senses and deletes the video. I have little hope that this kid will ever admit he was wrong because he hasn't even when I set him up to lie and he lies, then lies about lying and comes up with another lie to replace his old one. This kid is seriously damaged.
NOTE: I am machwon. The person I debating this with was GalinoreGustave2 and the creator of the video is voiceofreason467
- @machwon "Now it's 600?"I explained why I got the number wrong and Peter corrected me... you are just being an idiot starting with your conclusion and working your way backward. But what would I expect from a nonintellectual who follows Anarcho Capitalism (an inherently contradictory ideology), someone who starts off calling everyone who gets something wrong by a mistake a liar, and someone who blindly follows the Austrian School and uses only Austrian sources to critique someone.
- @machwon Now, considering your dishonesty and your bullshit rhetoric, I have had it up to here with it to be honest. You refuse to consider yourself wrong and start off with any discussion believing the other side is full of shit. You started off your interaction with me believing I am a liar and thus that has colored your reactions to anything I present. I have shown that you have misrepresented everything I have said from day one and because of it I am done with you... blocked.
- I thought you guys said you were done with each other.
- @machwon "Meh maybe I was wrong. I'd say about 80."I see, so you refuse to admit that you were wrong and you can't admit that the LA event housed far more than you want to admit because you started with the conclusion and are trying to rationalize any evidence away. Nice job, oh and by the way, the line I showed also extends around the corner, I just didn't bother get footage of it because I didn't think I would have to engage in this argument.
- Bingo nights at the retirement houses are more cheerful and livid than that failure of a show.
- @G4Br1ELCLM Were you there? Oh wait... no because you're a troll.