Wednesday, March 2, 2011

An Update! (Cali, baby!)

Ok, I think i'm almost done settling into my new place in Hollywood Hills, CA. Over the last week I have been battling another group of deluded assholes known as The Zeitgeist Movement. Tomorrow I will post up the video debates I've been having. 


Vasper85 said...

Hi Jim Jesus, if you are an aspiring cult expert then you must be familiar with the forums. They are the internet experts on cults. Do a search their on the zeitgeist movement and the venus project for more information.

Jim Jesus said...

Thank you Vaspar85, I have been monitoring it closely. I just logged into my blog to start showing what my opinion is. Do i think it's a cult? No. However, what they want in the future fits a totalist mind reforming group models.