A Modest Plea for Sanity And Knowing What You Preach.
A couple of you (who will go nameless) said some rather disparaging things to and about me because of my anti-Che picture on my MySpace profile . Both of whom have that imperialist rock music on their MySpace profiles that Che ordered to be BANNED and those who listen to it after being warned not to WERE SHOT!
But I digress...
Why do I have this picture up? A hateful image that degrades the hero of the common man, why?
Well to recognize that Che was a great and wonderful guy who did nothing but good for his people and his fellow man is to completely ignore history. Shortly after his execution, his communist sympathizers in the States started the propaganda machine to create a Mother Teresa image for the communist and socialist movement that had always suffered from negativity views and leaders like Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot and Stalin.
Let's not forget he was a violent and brutal man who believed in "the end justifies the means" no matter how morally bankrupt the means are. Even so much to help push the Cuban Missile Crisis to start nuclear warfare and kill billions of people because it would be easier to build a communist country from the ashes of innocent people.
He was a revolutionary in the sense that he wanted to create a "new man" though inquisitions and training his solders you blindly hate their enemy.
"Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any enemy that falls in my hands! My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a bestial howl!"
"Hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine. This is what our soldiers must become … " - Che Guevara
This enemy was of course anyone who did not agree with the tenants of Leninist-Marxism. Any business owner who was successful, anyone who was rich (unless they funded his cause) or just plain shot pregnant women in their stomachs of who he viewed as someone with an imperialist mindset who might pass those ideas to her child after it's birth. Let to die slowly after her unborn baby.
Many Cubans today recognize Che as "The Butcher of la CabaƱa" for his no judge no jury executions of innocent people including entires families with kids as young as 14. Their crimes? Dissent. Bad ideologies or tastes in music.
The execution of Col. Cornelio Rojas in 1959. Che Guevara ordered Col. Rojas to be shot without a trial
I suggest before propagating such a figure head you understand the man behind him. Just just from one side, but from all sides. Most importantly from well noted historians who don't have an overarching agenda to progress the tenants of national socialism or communism. After looking at the facts and learning the truth about Che, there should be no better picture of Che that can mend a smile like this one:
Good Reading for the Skeptics:
Exposing the Real Che Guevara: And the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him
and this moving artical by Che's own grandson.
Ernesto Che GUEVARA remembered 'at' ICH.
June 14th, 2010 Monday.
Please do a littler reserch before you think he was borned in Congo.
"Muchachos An Ganado La Revolusion Cuidenla" or "An Ganado La Revolusion Muchachos Cuidenla".
Were those Col. Cornelio Rojas last words or "Preparen, apunten Fuego". Like before Noah's Day it will be, but first Prophecy and THE END OF TRIBULATION.
51 years after his Death, we can see what The Communist/Socialist controlled markets have to offer in other places of the world to include Cuba.
The ungodly world is dying. North korea, Iran, Red Dragon China and as we look at all the continents we know that upgrades like water desalination plants, effective safe birth control and human rights with free economies are a more sure step to get to where we are going in Globalization.
United World in Globalization and under The United Nations can only co-exist with Human, EQUAL rights and more freedoms in all the world's nations constitutions, otherwise we will witness a greater depression and hard times like no eye has seen before.
Peace VS Wars that bring in more spoils and endless dividing debates.
WWIII is looking and what will it be?!. PEACE or WAR?!.
THANK YOU for the chance to comment.
Sincerely, (Us).
GOD IS....MIGHTY, GOD IS GOOD, GOD IS BEUTIFUL and so are you. If the shoe fits wear it.
"THERE IS ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT" so The USA does not become a 3rd world nation..Roll Cuba with The USA and what America eats, Cuba will eat.
An airplane or ship load 90 miles is better than around and around and a dying world.
Well, that's the most non-sensical thing I ever read.
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