Jim Jesus wouldn't be Jim Jesus if he didn't talk about tribalism and Jim Jesus hasn't talked much about it directly as of late.
One of the things tribalist antistatists do is automatically assume that I am not an antistatist because I critique fellow antistatists. If you talk negatively of antistatists you can't possibly be one because you're not supporting every assclown that preaches it. There's lots of antistatists talking the good talk and walking the good walk for it and the related issues I don't feel like I should devote much time doing it. I do it, but I have a bigger objective.
When I look at the other ideologies and see them defending atrocities and atrocious people because they're on the same team, it makes my stomach turn. It turns people on the outside off to whatever message you're bringing. When a communist defends North Korea or Stalin, no good comes of it. When a Democrat defends a war in Syria, no good comes of it. When a libertarian defends a destructive cult or tax loophole scams, no good comes of it.
There's a division of labor not just in the market for labor, but for the market of ideas and I see a huge hole in that market for internal criticism. I'm here to specialize in that. My goal is to encourage my fellow antistatists to stop the nonsense that only harms their own cause. There's really great antistatists whom I think do a fantastic job and there's some I think do a terrible job. If no one is going to tell them they're doing it wrong, they'll just keep doing it wrong.
Just because I agree with you ideologically doesn't mean I'm going to defend you when you do something wrong.
So who are these wonderful antistatists that never fuck up? There are none. We're all humans and even I say things I look back on with disgust. My only wish was someone there to jab me when I do. However there are some I think do a great job.
The Bad Quaker
Josh Cardosi
Scotty M (He does do stuff with RockingMrE, but what else I've seen is great)
Shane Killian
If you know of more I'd love to update the list but these are just a few I can think of from the top of my head.
One of the things tribalist antistatists do is automatically assume that I am not an antistatist because I critique fellow antistatists. If you talk negatively of antistatists you can't possibly be one because you're not supporting every assclown that preaches it. There's lots of antistatists talking the good talk and walking the good walk for it and the related issues I don't feel like I should devote much time doing it. I do it, but I have a bigger objective.
When I look at the other ideologies and see them defending atrocities and atrocious people because they're on the same team, it makes my stomach turn. It turns people on the outside off to whatever message you're bringing. When a communist defends North Korea or Stalin, no good comes of it. When a Democrat defends a war in Syria, no good comes of it. When a libertarian defends a destructive cult or tax loophole scams, no good comes of it.
There's a division of labor not just in the market for labor, but for the market of ideas and I see a huge hole in that market for internal criticism. I'm here to specialize in that. My goal is to encourage my fellow antistatists to stop the nonsense that only harms their own cause. There's really great antistatists whom I think do a fantastic job and there's some I think do a terrible job. If no one is going to tell them they're doing it wrong, they'll just keep doing it wrong.
Just because I agree with you ideologically doesn't mean I'm going to defend you when you do something wrong.
So who are these wonderful antistatists that never fuck up? There are none. We're all humans and even I say things I look back on with disgust. My only wish was someone there to jab me when I do. However there are some I think do a great job.
The Bad Quaker
Josh Cardosi
Scotty M (He does do stuff with RockingMrE, but what else I've seen is great)
Shane Killian
If you know of more I'd love to update the list but these are just a few I can think of from the top of my head.