Monday, July 30, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Shit Dead People Didn't Say Vol. 1
All to common with the conspiracy and anti-Federal Reserve crowd comes a landslide of bullshit quotes, mostly from the founding fathers. Here I will list some things dead people didn't say.
“Give me control over a nation’s money and I care not who makes her laws.”
–Baron Mayer Amschel RothschildThe earliest quoting of this passage was from a book written in 1900, more than 80 years after his death and there's simply no contemporary evidence of this quote. This quote is an altered version of the quote "Let me make the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws." -Andrew Fletcher
Until I can get some evidence that this was said by him from documents or sources in his time, I'm going to give this the debunked label.
“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt”
-John Adams
Never said it. This quote is in none of his article, it's cited in nothing in the founding documents or newspapers in the time. If you can find any evidence what so ever that this is a true quote, let me know and I will pass it off to some historians who have been challenging people to find any evidence of this quote. As far as any historian is aware of; it's a bogus quote invented by anti-Fed conspiracy theorists.
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
-Thomas Jefferson
This quote is so fake because the words "inflation" (1864) and "deflation" (1920) were not coined until after Jefferson died. On top of that; there's no contemporary documents or sources that quote him saying this.
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."
- Woodrow Wilson
This one is a bit tricky because it's a hack job. Conspiracy theroists have been atempting to save face by sauing it's in the book "The New Freedom" but Woodrow Wilson, but it's not. There are 2 seperate quotes which comprise above quote. "A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men who, even if their action be honest and intended for the public interest, are necessarily concentrated upon the great undertakings in which their own money is involved and who necessarily, by very reason of their own limitations, chill and check and destroy genuine economic freedom." and "We have restricted credit, we have restricted opportunity, we have controlled development, and we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world--no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men."
He was not regretful of instituting the Fed nor does he think he ruined his country by founding the Fed. That book; "The New Freedom" was published in 1919 but was a compilation of speeches he gave while running for office before the Federal reserve was enacted.
I think it's important to look at the fed critically, and there's lots of good resources to have a rational discussion of the Fed and it's policies, but using these quotes and relying of conspiratorial information is never a good way to go and only makes you look like a liar and a nut.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
TZM Wants a Censorship Society
Looks as though someone from The Zeitgeist Movement was upset over a recent posting at James Kush's blog about a peer reviewed study that showed that TZM was "conspirituality" or a new age conspiracy religion. So they took it upon themselves to have the whole site shut down and VTV posted this picture shortly after.
This is in stark contrast to their claims that they want a "free and open society" and opposed all forms of censorship. I already knew this when they false flagged my video "The End of The Zeitgeist Movement" for "hate speech." (Mirror: Which is kind of funny because it's not a sexual orientation or a race, so perhaps this is TZM affirming it is a religion.
Nothing of value was lost. I have been told by James Kush that he regularly backs up the site and it will be back up very soon on it's own domain to prevent further abuse.
This is in stark contrast to their claims that they want a "free and open society" and opposed all forms of censorship. I already knew this when they false flagged my video "The End of The Zeitgeist Movement" for "hate speech." (Mirror: Which is kind of funny because it's not a sexual orientation or a race, so perhaps this is TZM affirming it is a religion.
Nothing of value was lost. I have been told by James Kush that he regularly backs up the site and it will be back up very soon on it's own domain to prevent further abuse.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
This Ain't Your Grandpa's World's Fair
So strolling around on YouTube for crazy videos I stumbled on this on the TZMOfficialChannel ... channel.
Apparently TZM was invited to The New World Fair. OK, what's that?
I think everyone had that grandpa or great grandpa who talked about that crazy thing they saw/did at the 1945 World's Fair. If not, go vist an old folk's home and chat it up with some of the blue haired beauties and they'll tell you all about it. They stopped calling it the World's Fair and started calling in Expo in 1967 an apparently continues to this day.
Since there's still a sence of nostalgia attached to the name, a bunch of crazy moonbats and new-agers got together and started up a "New" World Fair. Now yesterday I knew nothing about this but apparently it's been going on for a while now and the next ones in in New York and TZM got invited. Already that speaks volumes to the credibility.
So doing a little invistigation I started looking into what's going to be going on there and boy does this sound like a Loonyfest
I don't even know what to say other than you need to see this for yourself. It's just a word salad list of all the new agey words in the dictionary.
Luana DeAngelis: "Luana DeAngelis is Founder and Director of You Can Thrive! Foundation, a large utopian version of the future of health care. " What? Apparently this place is a new age healing center that cures diseases by meditation, yoga, eating vegetables, aligning your chakras, spanking the pudd..etc. This is so not a scam. *ahem*
Andrew Norton Webber: A nut bar who thinks drinking your piss will cure everything including AIDS.
Dina Vitantonio; A horsey faced Sarah Jessica Parker lookalike who runs a quack healing outfit that uses the "energy" from crystals, alligning you chakras, medication, yoga, martial arts, Reiki, Tao and all kinds of other new age nonsense.
Russ Baker: An investigative journalist who I know nothing about nor can I tell anything about him on his site.
Bill Still: The guy who made the notoriously incorrect films The Money Masters and The Secrets of Oz
Adam Kokesh: A libertarian activist but noted 9/11 Truther and conspiracy theorist. His buddy, Luke Rudowski a key person in the conspiracy activist group We Are Change.
Webster Griffin Tarpley: Conspiracy nut and former LaRouche cultist who thinks everything in a false flag operation.
Susan Lindauer: A crazy bitch who decided to be a spy for the Iraqi Government but was declaired mentally unfit for trial. The charges were dropped later but she still claims she knew about 9/11 in advance, worked for the CIA and other nutty adventures.
Vashisht Vaid: New age crank that rambles about expanding consciousnesses, esoteric knowledge, vortex of energies, and other new age meaningless psychobabble.
Jonathan Talat Philips: A new agey religious blogger for HuffPo who wrote a play called "The Ayahuasca Monologues"
I won't list all of them but I'll list some of the highlights:
Food Beware: A film about how we should all eat organic local foods even hough ir will just result in more expensive food and less of it.
Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point: A movie about how we should have free energy, even though it violates the first and second laws of thermodynamics.
The Future of Food: Morgan Spurlock tells us GMO good is bad and Organic is good. Crap.
Supercharge This!: A wannabe SuperSize Me movie about raw foodism.
The Beautiful Earth: There's a conspiracy to keep the cure from cancer known by big pharma but somehow they forgot to cover up this movie.
2012 A Time for Change: A new age Mayan Calender Doomsday movie with a twist; it's going to be a good thing.
A few other 2012 movies...
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward. A debunked movie about a Utopian form of social restructuring.
The Boy With Divine Powers: About a guy who is Buddha reincarnate. I didn't know Buddha slapped people and had his followers kidnapped women. He's also a fraud.
What in the World Are They Spraying? LOLCHEMTRAILS! Chemtrail nuttery movie. Nuff' said.
Freedom To Fascism: One of the conspiracy movies I used to like long ago. It's crap. A lot of inaccurate claims about the history of the fed, lot of bogus quotes used. Also sorry, you have to pay income taxes.
Kymatica/Esoteric Agenda. It's like a new age Zeitgiest on crack. One of the most insufferable conspiracy nut videos I ever watched.
If my Grandfather were alive today, they would be facepalming the very notion that the World Fair had turned into this shit.
Friday, July 13, 2012
VTV is a Liar, and the Pope is Catholic.
--- UPDATE! I already issued an update and this post is only 2 hours old! See below --
Calling VTV a liar is like saying the sky is blue; we all already know it's true and it's a waste of breath saying it. There are some people still in TZM who think he's a cool dude just because his radio show agrees with their ideology and he was a former administrator of the TZM Forums.
I'm just going to give you a quick taste of how dishonest this guy is, because it's important for members of TZM still giving this guy resources to represent them to know how much damage he's doing to their group. For full disclosure I haven't been very nice to TZM in the public arena but consider this to be another olive branch I give to you when I say you need to walk away from this guy.
Now for those of you who haven't been following the news, VTV is representing TZM in the Rick Ross forums. He is defending TZM from accusations of it being a cult. I went there and said I do not think it is a cult but needs to have an eye kept on as it in the future becomes smaller and more radicalized. I have always defended TZM not being a cult but have heed the warning that it's somewhat close in many respects but mostly benign.
VTV is doing more than the lion share of the work convincing people that TZM is a cult. He's used "us and them" language, he has demonstrated to the forum he's willing to lie about the rules of the TZM forums, he has demonstrated that the group has 'apostates' and that they are demonized after leaving...etc. Most importantly he's representing himself as some what of a leader and is blatantly lying and engaging in character assassination to this community of cult researchers. These people know the red flags of cults and VTV is waving them high and proud and I think it's fucked up and it's fucked up to TZM.
...but I digress.
VTV said something I will not even bother responding to on the thread there that is deliberately misleading. He's tried twisting thing a while back, it failed then and I won't even allow it to go though the same steps of fail again on the thread because it's not the appropriate avenue for Mr. Ross' forum. We've already shown that VTV has used this quote of mine (pun intended) to try and make it look like I'm saying Mario and Kush are intentionally dishonest.
He omits the last sentence, and does so for a very important reason, because it's a quote mine to make Kush and Mario look bad.
Because they aren't dishonest and VTV is, that is what I was saying. Mario in the past has used sensational and misleading titles for his videos. SomethingSea1 made a video pointing this out and Mario went though all of his videos and re-titled them all, and he has been more careful since. Kush being wrong ex-post is not lying is what he was saying was true ex-ante. Would you call sports casters predicting a certain a team winning before the start of a game liars because the teams lost? No, nor should you expect Kush to have a crystal ball and be privy to all the facts in the universe. I was stating people make mistakes, VTV doesn't make mistakes because he's too busy intentionally lying.
I know this is where VTV was going because this isn't the first time he's tried to use this quote against me. Last time he failed miserably trying to show this as me admitting Kush and Mario are liars, but he can never admit he was mistaken because he's a narcissist.
Anticultist was quick to call him on this lie:
VTV tries to affirm that he was not trying to twist my words and conveniently omits that last sentence to quote mine me.
And anticultist still refuses to buy into his lie.
Then later he goes on to try misquoting anticultist as well which I won't get into here. But this thread is an entertaining read.
That's pretty much it, VTV is trying to quote mine me at the Rick Ross Institute Forums to show that Kush is a liar. I didn't say he's a liar. Never hinted it, never insinuated it, never implied it. The only thing I was saying is that mistakes are made, but that doesn't make them a liar like VTV.
Calling VTV a liar is like saying the sky is blue; we all already know it's true and it's a waste of breath saying it. There are some people still in TZM who think he's a cool dude just because his radio show agrees with their ideology and he was a former administrator of the TZM Forums.
I'm just going to give you a quick taste of how dishonest this guy is, because it's important for members of TZM still giving this guy resources to represent them to know how much damage he's doing to their group. For full disclosure I haven't been very nice to TZM in the public arena but consider this to be another olive branch I give to you when I say you need to walk away from this guy.
Now for those of you who haven't been following the news, VTV is representing TZM in the Rick Ross forums. He is defending TZM from accusations of it being a cult. I went there and said I do not think it is a cult but needs to have an eye kept on as it in the future becomes smaller and more radicalized. I have always defended TZM not being a cult but have heed the warning that it's somewhat close in many respects but mostly benign.
VTV is doing more than the lion share of the work convincing people that TZM is a cult. He's used "us and them" language, he has demonstrated to the forum he's willing to lie about the rules of the TZM forums, he has demonstrated that the group has 'apostates' and that they are demonized after leaving...etc. Most importantly he's representing himself as some what of a leader and is blatantly lying and engaging in character assassination to this community of cult researchers. These people know the red flags of cults and VTV is waving them high and proud and I think it's fucked up and it's fucked up to TZM.
...but I digress.
VTV said something I will not even bother responding to on the thread there that is deliberately misleading. He's tried twisting thing a while back, it failed then and I won't even allow it to go though the same steps of fail again on the thread because it's not the appropriate avenue for Mr. Ross' forum. We've already shown that VTV has used this quote of mine (pun intended) to try and make it look like I'm saying Mario and Kush are intentionally dishonest.
He quotes me as saying:
"I will admit this: I have seen Mario use very sensational and sometimes misleading titles for his videos and blogs. I have seen Kush publish information that turned out inaccurate when new evidence has surfaced. I can't speak for the occult aspects of it as I am not well versed in occultism. (note: occult isn't a cult)"
He omits the last sentence, and does so for a very important reason, because it's a quote mine to make Kush and Mario look bad.
I will admit this:
I have seen Mario use very sensational and sometimes misleading titles for his videos and blogs. I have seen Kush publish information that turned out inaccurate when new evidence has surfaced. I can't speak for the occult aspects of it as I am not well versed in occultism. (note: occult isn't a cult)
I can not say in good faith they are deliberately dishonest as you clearly are.
Because they aren't dishonest and VTV is, that is what I was saying. Mario in the past has used sensational and misleading titles for his videos. SomethingSea1 made a video pointing this out and Mario went though all of his videos and re-titled them all, and he has been more careful since. Kush being wrong ex-post is not lying is what he was saying was true ex-ante. Would you call sports casters predicting a certain a team winning before the start of a game liars because the teams lost? No, nor should you expect Kush to have a crystal ball and be privy to all the facts in the universe. I was stating people make mistakes, VTV doesn't make mistakes because he's too busy intentionally lying.
I know this is where VTV was going because this isn't the first time he's tried to use this quote against me. Last time he failed miserably trying to show this as me admitting Kush and Mario are liars, but he can never admit he was mistaken because he's a narcissist.
"And since there is no evidence to verify this yet we are expected to believe you. You are basically asking us to trust a known liar [you Neil] on his word."
And you have yet to prove that I am a known liar at all.
Yet people here have already admitted that even they have seen that James Kush lies on his blog. :)
Anticultist was quick to call him on this lie:
"Yet people here have already admitted that even they have seen that James Kush lies on his blog. :)"
Noone said any such thing, what was said by jim jesus was that James Kush makes mistakes and then has to rectify it after evidence contrary to the initial posts surfaces.
Dont try and stretch peoples comments here into something they did not say.
VTV tries to affirm that he was not trying to twist my words and conveniently omits that last sentence to quote mine me.
Anti-cultist, this was said earlier by Jim Jesus:
"I will admit this:
I have seen Mario use very sensational and sometimes misleading titles for his videos and blogs. I have seen Kush publish information that turned out inaccurate when new evidence has surfaced. I can't speak for the occult aspects of it as I am not well versed in occultism. (note: occult isn't a cult)"
So yes, someone said such a thing. :)
And anticultist still refuses to buy into his lie.
You said someone said James Kush lies on his blog.
Noone said any such thing even that quote you just supplied doesnt say it, so the only person saying it here is you.
Then later he goes on to try misquoting anticultist as well which I won't get into here. But this thread is an entertaining read.
That's pretty much it, VTV is trying to quote mine me at the Rick Ross Institute Forums to show that Kush is a liar. I didn't say he's a liar. Never hinted it, never insinuated it, never implied it. The only thing I was saying is that mistakes are made, but that doesn't make them a liar like VTV.
---------- UPDATE ------------
VTV got so angry at the latest blogs exposing him by James Kush that he hopped on a proxy and posted as "LibertyGirl" then when he got called out, he stated pretending to be "Anonymous" and getting mad over 'Zeitfags' even though Anons have always called thing -fags for years. (i.e. Christfags, scifags, furfags, moralfags...etc)
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