For those unfamiliar with DMT, it is one of the lesser known drugs on the scene, but with an interesting twist. Everyone does it every time they sleep. When a person sleeps they need to dream or they will go insane. During slumber brain produces this chemical into the brain causing a drugged dream state. Though only trace amounts are used in sleep, these chemical can also be extracted from plants and used as a hallucinogen. Like sleep, the user almost immediately forgets the dream. In sleeps states this is done for the mind to separate the fictional dream world and reality, though not 100% efficient, we sometimes wake up running to our drawers to look for that million dollars we found and stashed in our dream.
I have tried drugs in my younger years and refrain from all drugs today, but even if I still dibbed and dabbed, I'd be too afraid to try it. Not just because of the effects are too frightening, (and reading some of the experiences, that does seem to be the case) but because of the insane legal ramifications of getting caught with the stuff. Though there hasn't been any test confirming any dangerous side effects, it still is more illegal than heroin and cocaine.
Here is where Scientology comes in, Scientology has always been claiming that the chemical brain theory quackery and false yet admit the chemicals in psych drugs have effects on the brain. Contradictory, I know. The Beacon has blogged about this logical loophole so I won't get into it too deep. However, if DMT is a naturally occurring chemical in the brain that causes extreme emotional and sensory alterations in order to protect the mind's sanity during sleep, how could they deny the chemical brain theory existence while still taking a firm anti-drug stance? They could do what they always do, and just lie about it. They still take a voodoo-pharmacology stance on drugs even to this day; which in itself is dishonest and/or ignorant.
What is also interesting about DMT is studies that have shown that the pineal gland squeezes out a lot of this stuff prior or during death stages, which is solid grounds for those near death expediences we keep hearing about. Which makes me wonder. If it is true that when we die and go to implant stations, are we really going or is it just a drug induced dream?
I'd like to get someone in Scientology/Freezone to give me feedback on this; like to know what you think. However given the lack of communication Co$ brand Scientologists have with me I'm not holding my breath.